Monday 1 January 2007

Figgy Pudding & Fatness

Well chums, with 12 crisp and shiny new months all stacked up neatly for us to enjoy over the coming year, I’d like to wish all you Fulham-flavoured best mates of mine out there a prosperous one!

Last night, with the memory of Mr Carlos Boca’s glorious equaliser still fresh in the thinking part of my noggin, I fear I had one too many sups of Jenkins Ol’ Wallop, and I was up a-jiving and a-jigging all night long ‘till auld acquaintances had been forgotten and all that malarkins! Also, through the now-foggy miasma of my noodle, I vaguely remember chargin’ up and down the North End Road at some point with a pillow up me shirt and a cupped hand to me ear, making like Mr Flab Lampard in a most derogatory fashion.

Now I’m a-achin’ all over as Mr Johnny Kidd would say!

Anyways, me New Year’s Resolution is in tribute to me still-suffering Ma: “Don’t drink a tin-bath full of Dick’s Advocaat or you’ll end up with a muzzy izzet”.

Keep those wise words with you at all times, fellow black and whiters, and it’ll be a good year!

Now let’s stuff some stale figgy puddin’ in those Hornet-shaped cake-holes today! They're nothin' but a bunch of yellow & black pantywaists!

Flamin’ scallions and Up The Fulham!

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